Road Trip 2019 – Ireland

  Vacation 2019 got off to a “turbulent” start with all of our flights being canceled at 5 AM on the day of departure. To make a very long story short… after multiple cancellations, multiple re-bookings, and 23 hours of travel… we finally made it to Dublin. We were more than a bit jet-lagged but none worse for the wear. We even managed to find ourselves in first class seats on the trans-Atlantic flight which was very much appreciated.
After spending a day in Dublin, we rented a car and embarked on a 10 day clockwise journey around the perimeter of the Emerald Isle that ended where it began… in Dublin (Note: Josh has correctly pointed out that we experienced the Ring of Kerry in a counter-clockwise fashion).
We were prepared for non-stop rain, but were surprised by wonderful weather most of the trip.  Lots of sun, but the temperature never got above 60 degrees.  Amazing.  It was an epic adventure that none of us will soon forget. Highlights of the trip were Ballentotis Castle, the Ring of Kerry, Kate Kearney’s Cottage, Skellig Michael, Ashford Castle & the School of “Falcontree”, Giant’s Causeway…driving on the left side of roads no wider than sidewalks and yeah…pretty much everything!